Friday, July 1, 2011

My Examples of Emotional Whys that You Can Relate

As we discussed on my last post, I challenged you to list down your emotional why, so for today I will share to you examples of my emotional whys.

When I was young and handsome (now I am just handsome), I always envied my neighbors whenever they had new toys. As they bought toys every other week, my neighbors would so it to me but won’t let me borrow any of their toys. One day they should me another toy, a remote controlled car. I was so jealous that I think I begged them to let me borrow their new toy. But they would not let me. So I walk out and told myself, one day I will have all the toys I want.

Although today I no longer desire toys unlike other grown up men who still have toys like jet skis, BMW’s, large houses and many other toys for the big boys. But my emotional why in this aspect comes in a different form, which is providing for my kids. I don’t want the same situation to happen to kids.

Another example of my emotional why is health care. I still remember it vividly. My grandfather slowly dying because we couldn’t provide the appropriate medicines and therapy that he needed. Also when I my father was operated with his gallbladder stone, my mother went to a lot of her friends and relatives to come up with the money to pay the hospital bills.

This is one of the common emotional whys that I have. It inspires me. It reminds that I have to work smarter and harder everyday to achieve my dreams because I do not want the same situation to happen to me in the future.

So again, go and drill down into your own self and find your REAL and STRONG emotional why.

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