Sunday, July 10, 2011

Start Becoming Wealthy By Using Dream Boards

So we are back again to our formal topic in Truly Rich Club Cebu.

Last time we talk about how to make your dreams in line with God’s dreams, so now we will tackle on how to use them.

First thing to is to make a Dream Board. A Dream Board, What’s that?

A Dream  Board is a collage of pictures of your dreams. So what you do is go unto your attic or storage room and look for magazines, and cut out pictures of the dreams that you want. Or if better yet, go online in Google. Search for pictures there.

For example if you’re dreaming of a luxury home in a suburban area, search in Google “luxury home in suburban”. In the upper left side of Google there are options that you can choose. Choose the IMAGES option. Then, look for the kind of home there.

After getting all the pictures, print it all. Then cut it out to its maximum size. Buy a cardboard, then paste all the pictures of your dreams there. And viola, you already have for yourself your own Dream Board.

If you know Adobe Photoshop it is actually easier. You can just download all the pictures and edit it on Photoshop. Print it out on any print shop that’s near your home. Then have it frame.

After framing it, hang it on your wall where you can see it everyday. Put it somewhere that when you wake up, your dream board is right of you. So even before you start your day, you area already reminded of your dreams.

On our next post, we will discuss on how to empower yourself by using your Dream Board.

To your success and to becoming Truly Rich.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Daily Truly Rich Club Strategies

Before we continue with our Truly Rich club topics one of the daily habits that I do which having declarations.

What are declarations?

Declarations are for me similar to affirmations. The only difference is that affirmations are more specific and focus on to you. It speaks of what you really want to be known or seen about.

So what I want to share to you is the Feast Declarations that we do on our weekly gathering in our community, Light of Jesus Cebu. So here are the declarations:

I am God’s Beloved and it is His great happiness to bless me.
God’s river of blessings is flowing to me and every single moment of my life.
Everything I need comes to me.
I can achieve anything I put my mind unto.
I am a child of God.
I am a friend of God.
I am a champion of God.

See how powerful these declarations are? It can change you from a state of sadness into a state of empowerment and full belief in yourself and our God that created us.

So go ahead and use these declarations. You can even add some of your own declarations to it. What’s important is you say it everyday. In fact when I started doing my declarations, I did it twice a day.

To your success and to becoming truly rich.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Make Your Dreams in line with God's Dreams

In today’s true wealth secret we will expand on the issue of dreams. Based on our discussion about dreams, there are two types of dreams. And today I will teach you how to write down the dreams that is True and Strong.

So here are a few guidelines in writing your dreams:

1. Your dreams should be MEASURABLE
Don’t just write, “Have a happy family”. Write instead, “Have a happy family by having separate weekly dates with my spouse and each child starting August 2011.”

2. Your dreams should be AMBITIOUS
We use “ambition” without its negative meaning. By “ambition” we simply mean dreaming big dreams! Small dreams won’t excite you. But even f they’re ambitious, let your dreams be attainable at the same time.

3. Your dreams should be GODLY
Never dream from greed or selfish ego. They will make you empty and miserable. Instead, discover the dreams that God has placed in your heart. The fulfillment of these dreams should ultimately help you love God and others more.

4. Your dreams should be IMAGINATIVE
Put details in your dreams. Make it as graphic as possible. Add colors, smell, taste, and feeling of touch. Describe exactly what you want.

5. Your dreams should be COMPLETE
Have dreams that touch the most important aspects of your life: Spiritual, Family, Financial, Physical. By succeeding in all areas you attain Life Balance.

So that’s secret number 2, dreams. Next time, I will you how to achieve true wealth by using the dreams that you wrote.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

True Wealth Secret 2 - Having Dreams

The next step to becoming truly rich is for the most exciting. And that is listing your dreams. Yup, your long forgotten dreams; you need them to be truly rich.

I believe every person has a dream that is so strong that just by thinking about it we are empowered, focused, and becoming brave men.

Remember when we were young? We had dreams that were so strong that everyday we would pretend that it was real. We imagine ourselves to be that person and we think in our mind that we are already living this hero’s life.

The problem is when we grew up reality got to us. We started thinking that we should be real stop dreaming. So today, I remind you that in tandem with having a strong emotional why is having strong dreams as well.

The challenge with dreams is you have to pin point your real God given dreams. I believe that we are all made to fulfill a purpose on this earth. So our dreams were implanted by God on our hearts to bless this beautiful earth more.

On the our next truly rich post I will share to you how you can easily pinpoint dreams.  

Friday, July 1, 2011

My Examples of Emotional Whys that You Can Relate

As we discussed on my last post, I challenged you to list down your emotional why, so for today I will share to you examples of my emotional whys.

When I was young and handsome (now I am just handsome), I always envied my neighbors whenever they had new toys. As they bought toys every other week, my neighbors would so it to me but won’t let me borrow any of their toys. One day they should me another toy, a remote controlled car. I was so jealous that I think I begged them to let me borrow their new toy. But they would not let me. So I walk out and told myself, one day I will have all the toys I want.

Although today I no longer desire toys unlike other grown up men who still have toys like jet skis, BMW’s, large houses and many other toys for the big boys. But my emotional why in this aspect comes in a different form, which is providing for my kids. I don’t want the same situation to happen to kids.

Another example of my emotional why is health care. I still remember it vividly. My grandfather slowly dying because we couldn’t provide the appropriate medicines and therapy that he needed. Also when I my father was operated with his gallbladder stone, my mother went to a lot of her friends and relatives to come up with the money to pay the hospital bills.

This is one of the common emotional whys that I have. It inspires me. It reminds that I have to work smarter and harder everyday to achieve my dreams because I do not want the same situation to happen to me in the future.

So again, go and drill down into your own self and find your REAL and STRONG emotional why.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

True Wealth Secret 1 - Finding Your Emotional Why

Today we will formally start with the actual lessons on Truly Rich Club Cebu.

As promise, I will teach you everything that I can on the lessons I have learned doing business, investing, and on how to win in all areas of your life. For me, only when I am winning in all areas of my life that I can say that I am TRULY RICH.

So that you just know, I am now officially a full-pledge father. I’m filled with so much joy and inspiration that I want to share to you all that I know about having real wealth.

So for today, we will have one basic lesson.

The basic guide in acquiring any wealth or any dream has to start with a very strong reason or more commonly known as an emotional why.

Before you even think of the strategies or steps in acquiring wealth, figure out first WHY you want wealth anyway. Your reasons should not be lofty. Reason like “I’m tired of working” is not strong enough. That kind of reason will never get you to wealth. Although it could get you started but once problems or difficult challenges occur you will end up giving up.

I suggest that you spend at least half a day to list down all the strong emotional WHYS that you want to become wealthy. Bring with you a piece of paper and a expensive notebook. Write down all those important reasons there.

Also an important note, write emotional whys in all areas of your life. In my case, these areas are my health, my money, my family, my relationships with people and friends, and most especially my relationship with God.

So go search for that strong emotional why.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Truly Rich Club Tithing - Blessing Number Four in Tithing

Truly Rich Club lesson on hunger
The fourth blessing that tithing has to offer us is Hunger.

How can hunger be a blessing?

Believe me, a person without hunger is a miserable person who lives a meaningless life.

Yes, hunger is a great blessing!

When you tithe, you stir up your hunger within you.

Last week, someone asked me, “Bo, you’re a entrepreneur and a missionary. If you were only an entrepreneur, you’d probably be ten times richer!”

The answer is a resounding No! If I wasn’t a missionary, I’d be ten times poorer. Because if I wasn’t a missionary, I wouldn’t have had the great hunger I have today.

Here’s my guess: After the initial success of my businesses, I would have remained complacent. I’d tell myself, “Why earn more? Why work harder?” There was no purpose.

But because my goal was to raise money for my ministry, this hunger drove me to earn more.

I’m truly rich now because I tithe—and give more than my tithe.

And I have so many dreams for God’s work. These dreams fuel my hunger.

I have met people who have earned a lot of money and have lost their passion for life. Because they have lost their hunger. Their dreams have been fulfilled and they have no new dreams.

But that’s because they only think of themselves.

Two weeks ago, I told my audience, “I’ve got bad news, good news, and bad news. Bad news: My accountant says it’ll take lots of money to make our dream of building 1000 Feasts come true. Good news: We now have all the money we need to build 1000 Feasts. Praise God! And finally, here’s the Bad news: All that money is still in your pockets.”

I believe that if Catholics start tithing, we’ll have all the money to do God’s work.

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Third Blessing in Tithing is Holiness - Grow Your Wealth

Truly Rich Club grow your wealth
The third Blessing of Tithing with love (more than 10%) is Holiness.

We should all be aware that greed is the number sin that made the devil contradict against God. So the number protection that we need is to achieve holiness through prayer and a loving tithe.

Greed will destroy you by materialism.

But generosity will detach you from materialism.

By Tithing, you gain freedom.

By Tithing, you gain a greater love for God.

The greek word of “Holy” is “Hagios”; which literally means “setting apart yourself for God”. Tithing is exactly that—setting apart a specific amount for God.

When I was a small boy, my father used an ancient, large, silver spoon. No one else could use that spoon.   It was Hagios for him and him alone.

It was so large, it could only fit in Dad’s mouth. More important, it was made of silver. Everyone else used cheap stainless steel spoons. But not Dad. He deserved the best.

Tithing is exactly like that.

Our Tithes are sacred. Our Tithes are Hagios. They’re set apart for God. No one can touch it. And we always offer the best for the Lord.

As a Truly Rich Club member we also need to be vigilant in being constant givers to our Church so slowly we can learn to be truly holy.

>>> Click Here and Start Becoming Truly Rich! <<<

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Truly Rich Club - The Second Blessing In Tithing, Happiness

truly rich club second blessing of tithing
The second blessing in tithing the Truly Rich Club way is Happiness.

I know every person in the world wants to be happy. In fact if you ask any person what is their goal in life, their common answer is – to be happy.

But many people fail to realize that one of the secrets of being truly happy is to become a generous giver in tithing.

Here’s a little exercise.

Name the 5 happiest people you know in your life. Imagine their faces.


Here’s my bet: All of them are Givers. Because givers are happy people. It really feels good to give!

When you tithe, you feel that happiness regularly because you give regularly. As the Bible said in Malachi above, “Then the people of all nations will call you happy”.

I’ve not known a single person which I see to be a happy person that does not know how to tithe. In fact all of them are great “tithers”, giving more than you can imagine. Some of them even give 50% of their income because they enjoy so much in giving.

So if you want to be Truly Rich and truly happy, be a generous in tithing.

Live a remarkable life.

Truly Rich Club Cebu

P.S. Learn to grow your wealth and all your areas of your life by becoming a truly rich club member.

>>> Click here to get more of Bro. Bo Sanchez’s Truly Rich Club <<<

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The First Blessing in Tithing - Habit

So the first blessing in tithing is it becomes a Habit.

Habit is defined in the dictionary as a form of thought or action that is embedded in the subconscious part of your brain.

Meaning once a form of action has become a habit, it will be forever be part of your normal reaction, unless you do something to change it.

Here’s a difference between giving and tithing. Giving may be something that you do occasionally. But Tithing is something that you do regularly. Because Tithing means that every time you earn money, you give 10% or more to the Lord.

Let me ask you a big question: Do you want your rewards to come occasionally or regularly?

You decide.

As for me and my house, we will give more than 10% to our Lord not because we are Truly Rich Club members but because we want the blessing of Habit as well.

So live a remarkable life.

Truly Rich Club Cebu.

P.S. Learn to grow your wealth and all your areas of your life by becoming a truly rich club member.

Click here to get more of Bro. Bo Sanchez’s Truly Rich Club

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Gift In Tithing - Truly Rich Club Habits

Truly Rich Club habits - the Gift in tithing
Why do need to tithe? How does it relate to our financial life? And more importantly, does it really contribute to making us Truly Rich?

To be honest the concept of tithing was never really clear to me a few years ago. And sadly as a roman catholic, it has not been explained in the church as well. So I just learned its importance when I was able to join the Truly Rich Club.

It was not up until 3 years ago, when I attended another session of the Kerygma Feast in Cebu. I remember clearly that during that time, it was not Bro Bo Sanchez who spoke about the gift in tithing but Sis. Rizza Singson-Kawpeng.

As explained by Sis. Rizza, the Old Testament’s rule is to give 10% of your income to the Lord. So if you are earning $1,000/month, you are “obliged” to tithe $100/month. But in the Truly Rich club and as shared in the bible we as Christians (during the time of Jesus Christ) we are encourage to give more lovingly. Meaning if the basic computation of a tithe is 10%, we are to lovingly give more than 10% of our income.


Because when we give tithes to God, we are acknowledging that we are living in an abundant world. In which we are saying to the world that we are giving because we know that the world will give back.

Also because when we give our tithes in the concept of the New Testament, we are given five (5) kinds of blessings. Which are the following: Habit, Happiness, Holiness, Hunger, and Harvest. (We will discuss more of each in details next week.)

With these we certainly receive more than what we are giving. Now this is what we call the Truly Rich Club way of giving tithes. So go on start giving your tithes with a generous and joyful heart.

Live a remarkable life.

Truly Rich Club Cebu.

P.S. Learn to grow your wealth and all your areas of your life by becoming a truly rich club member.

Click here to get more of Bro. Bo Sanchez’s Truly Rich Club

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Farmers Mindset Will Take You A Life of Blesings

Truly Rich Club - Farmer's Mindset

As promise this week we will reveal to you one of the secrets of being Truly Rich and how to use the power of your mind to attract more blessings.

Since last week we talked about the Beggar's Mindset, this week we will talk of the opposite, the Farmer's Mindset.

When the Israelites finally left the Desert and entered the Promised Land, the Bible says that the manna stopped falling.

The manna stopped falling then, and the Israelites no longer had any. From that time on they ate food grown in Canaan. (Joshua 5:12)

Why? Because they can now plant in God’s fertile land.

So from beggars, they become farmers.

In other words, they just don’t receive their blessings. They receive and grow their blessings.

And when you grow your blessings, you grow you. You grow in your skills and character.

There are 4 Steps In Farming.

1.) Plow
2.) Plant
3.) Persevere
4.) Produce

Each step is crucial to having abundance in your life.

Beggars want to jump to Step 4. They want to produce and harvest right away.

But Steps 1 to 3 are crucial to growing you.

Let me share one last tiny story.

Twice in my life, I received a car—gratis et amore. Without cost, it came in a silver platter. Each time, they were extremely happy moments.

But last month, I bought myself a brand new car with my own money—earned from my small businesses. And I was equally happy.

But it was a different kind of happiness.

When I received my car for free, it was the happiness of grace. When I bought my car last month from the sweat of my brow, it was the happiness of growth.

Why? The car wasn’t just a car. It represented my growth as an entrepreneur. It felt very good.

Well, that's it for achieving more blessings by having a Farmer's Mindset. If you want more tips and what to become an full-time Truly Rich Club Member and avail of the millions of benefits of being a member, click the link below.

Click here if you want to be a Truly Rich Club member!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Beggar's Mindset Can Rob You of Real Blessings!

Truly Rich Club - A Beggar's Mindset Can Rob You of Real Blessings!

There are two important mindsets that for us Truly Club ideally follow when it comes to blessings.

First is the Beggar Mindset, and second is the Farmer Mindset.

For today's post we will talk about the Beggar Mindset and how it afflicts our lives, hence stopping us from getting to our financial goals.

Many religious people have a beggar mindset.

They want God to give them fruits. But they’re not interested in planting and growing the seeds—so that they’ll have a lifetime supply of fruits.

Please know that we all start with as beggars.

I’m sure that when you were born, you didn’t come out as a 35-year old guy with a moustache. Or a 42-year old woman with cellulite on her legs.

You came out as a baby.

If a baby cries because he’s hungry, you don’t tell him, “Look for your own milk! You fat, lazy baby!” Or if a baby cries because he’s wet, you don’t toss a diaper in his direction and say, “Change yourself!”

Babies are beggars.

Here’s the problem. Some people never grow up! They remain babies for life.

The Israelites began in the desert as beggars.

When the Israelite slaves escaped Egypt, they had to cross the desert. When they got hungry, Moses prayed to God to feed them. So one morning, when they woke up, they saw white, fluffy stuff hanging from the trees.

The Israelites looked at it, picked it up, touched it, smelled it, tasted it, and asked, “What is this?” That question is the literal meaning of the word, manna.

Can you imagine? That’s like waking up one morning, looking out your window, and seeing pan de sal hanging from the trees. Wouldn’t that be fun?

After a few days, the Israelites began to complain. “Wala bang palaman?” (Our sandwiches are empty.)

So God sent low-flying, slow-moving, foolish birds called quails that said, “Catch me, catch me!” And the Israelites grabbed the birds, put them in their bread, and ate to their heart’s content.

Imagine eating food falling from the sky. (My kids and I watched a cartoon movie, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatball. If you watched it, you don’t have to imagine.)

How can life be better than that? But alas, there are problems.

So why does God gives us problems?

Simple answer.

To teach us faith, and to teach us how that you should not stay dependent on him. For we have a destination that we should be going to and that is the Promise Land.

We are truly rich when we get to the promise land. How to get there?

Well it's all on our next post.

God bless you always.

Truly Rich Club Cebu

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why You Need To Practice the Truly Rich Club Way

Why You Need To Practice the Truly Rich Club Way!

Let me share to you lessons from Truly Rich. This is a very inspirational story from Bo Sanchez Himself.

Everyday, His 5-year old Francis would sing.

In fact, he doesn’t stop singing.

One day, they were travelling from Cubao to Alabang—an hour-long ride. From the moment we left Cubao to the moment we arrived in Alabang, Francis sang out loud, Tomorrow. It was a loop. The moment he ended the song, he’d begin the song again.

After we listened to the song 6 or 7 times, I told my 5-year old boy, “That’s enough, Francis.” But he objected. He said a line that shocked me. He said, “But Daddy, that’s how I’ll get better.”

Yes, he wants to be better.

That’s why he sang that song 28 times in that trip.

Why? At 5 years old, he knows the importance of growing God’s blessing.

Lesson, to everyone I want to share to you life's most interesting lessons from a mere kid. Obviously at the age of 5, Francis already understood the importance of practicing so that you can improve.

So to all people who want to be Truly Rich, practice your skill until you get better.

God bless you always,

Truly Rich Club Cebu

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Our Gratitude Will Give Us Blessings - Truly Rich Club Lesson

Today, Truly Rich Club Cebu will take you to another exciting lesson that will help you and your families become truly rich.

Today we will discuss the very powerful topic how to receive more blessings.

I have heard many people complaining that why does God don’t give them enough even though they are “good” Christians. They babble words like, “I give tithes and do alms giving how come God is not blessings me rightfully”.

Well, I really don’t have the direct and exact answer to their complaints but as a Truly Rich Club member, I’ve found a very important secret to blessings.

And that is, Blessings are equals to Gratitude.

The flow of blessings in any person’s life is the same. Whether that person is good or bad, God will give the same amount of blessings.

It is gratitude that will determine whether that person will receive that blessing or not. So the secret lies in having a thankful heart. No matter how little or confusing, be thankful.

If in your life now you are facing financial difficulties, instead of sobbing and thinking of your financial problems, thank God for keeping you alive. Thank God for loving friends, Thank God that you are still able to use the internet. Thank God for free air.

Focus on thanking and the blessings will come.

God bless you always.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Top Reason Why Truly Rich Club Cebu Will Help You!

One of the most disempowering beliefs that the Truly Rich Club Cebu wants to help change in most Filipino’s is this:

“Money is the root of all evil”

Yes, this is quite a controversial topic and quite frankly I few years ago I used to believe that this traditional belief is true.

I can’t really remember where I got this belief, but deep in my heart I was convinced that this belief was true. I think the most common place that I got this belief was either from my school teacher, my parents, my grandparents, or from church.

This is a very common belief especially among Filipino Christians who were taught that money is evil. That having too much money means you are not loved by God, therefore keeping many Filipinos trapped on an invisible prison saying I’d rather be poor than be rich and go to hell.

This belief is so embedded in our Filipino culture that it is widely used in almost all Telenovelas shown in Philippine TV. Most Telenovelas involves a poor person that is abused by rich people and suffers for the rest of his entire life.

Even back on the days of Fernado Poe Jr. (FPJ), the rich that were shown were always related as bad people. I remember the picture of Max Albarado (FPJ’s common arch enemy) wearing expensive-looking robs, with sexy women around, and goons carrying guns, wherein they terrorize FPJ life and family.

But I believe that it is time to stop this cycle of disempowering belief, for the real and accurate belief is:

“The lack of Money is the root of all evil”

Please let this belief sink in for a while. To many of you, the above belief has been so long in your system that changing it goes beyond your entire existence. But think with me for a while and let’s together investigate.

What is the main reason of the many crimes in our country today? Is it pure evil or just the lack of money?

I will give you time to think about it.

See you in my next post. To being truly rich in life and wealth.

Truly Rich Club Cebu