Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The First Blessing in Tithing - Habit

So the first blessing in tithing is it becomes a Habit.

Habit is defined in the dictionary as a form of thought or action that is embedded in the subconscious part of your brain.

Meaning once a form of action has become a habit, it will be forever be part of your normal reaction, unless you do something to change it.

Here’s a difference between giving and tithing. Giving may be something that you do occasionally. But Tithing is something that you do regularly. Because Tithing means that every time you earn money, you give 10% or more to the Lord.

Let me ask you a big question: Do you want your rewards to come occasionally or regularly?

You decide.

As for me and my house, we will give more than 10% to our Lord not because we are Truly Rich Club members but because we want the blessing of Habit as well.

So live a remarkable life.

Truly Rich Club Cebu.

P.S. Learn to grow your wealth and all your areas of your life by becoming a truly rich club member.

Click here to get more of Bro. Bo Sanchez’s Truly Rich Club

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