Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why You Shouldn't Use Your Cold List - By Bo Sanchez

MLM companies thrive on Hot Lists.
MLM means multi-level marketing or network marketing.
Let me define what’s a Hot List.
Every new networker that joins the MLM company brings with him a Hot List. This is a list of people in his life that knows him and trusts him with their life. Because of his close relationship with them, all he has to do is say, “I’ve joined in this MLM company. You should join too! We’ll be rich!” And some of these close people will join.
These are family members, best friends, and people who admire him.
But soon, the person’s Hot List is depleted.
He has talked to everyone close to him. They either joined him or rejected him. What does he do now?
Wrong Move: Sell to the Cold List
He now tries to sell or recruit to his Cold List.
The Cold List is a bunch of people that he doesn’t know or trust him. They’re officemates in other department he hardly meets. They’re neighbors he sees once a year. They’re far-off cousins. Goodness, they’re strangers in the street and seatmates in the bus.
His opening lines to his Cold List: “Hi, I know you don’t know me but I just joined this Network Marketing company. I think you should join too! We’ll be rich!”
Obviously, his rejection rate skyrockets.

He gets discouraged, loses confidence, and drops out of networking.
That’s why 97% of networkers give up after one year.
What should you do?
I don’t recommend selling to your Cold List. It’s so frustrating and will sap all your energy. There’s got to be a better way. And I’m going to show you how.
Expand Your Hot List
Here it is: Learn how to expand your Hot List.
Instead of going to every Tom, Dick, and Harry and selling (or recruiting) everyone you meet, why not attract the Curious to yourself? Don’t pursue them. Let them pursue you. Don’t chase after them. Let them chase after you, begging that you sell to them or recruit them.
In other words? Relationship Marketing.
This has been my strategy in every single business that I have now and it has made me very successful.
How do you do this? How do you build and expand your Hot List?
How do you attract the Curious and make them your friends?
I do it through Internet Marketing. (Note: You can use other ways of Marketing using the same principles of Relationship Marketing.)
I’ll tell you all about it next week.
Want to learn more about Bo Sanchez's Truly Rich Club?

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